Monday, November 4, 2013

Never say never

I am a night person.  He is a morning person.  I like chocolate with nuts.  He says chocolate with nuts is contaminated.  He is a soldier and I love to be a girly girl. We are truly opposites and have conflict often and yet we are best friends. 

Imagine my soldier's surprise when he found me making breakfast this morning. Our youngest son once exclaimed, "It would just be nice if just once you would get up and make breakfast like a TV mom." Sad, but true.  I always made breakfast (cereal ;) ) when the kids were little. Over the years I have tried a few times to actually cook something.  This morning was one of those mornings because I found a recipe.  I would give credit for the recipe except I don't know where I saw if I see it again.... I did not create this recipe. 

This recipe is four eggs and four oz. of cream cheese blendered.  That's it.  I used our blender and green non-stick pan.... tasty. 

 A little larger than silver dollar size works best
 One flip
 Topped with cherry raspberry rhubarb organic jam from Costco
Or make a savory flavor with cream cheese, smoked cheddar, and a few chives
Brenden (son number two)and Eric were carpooling today.  Brenden stopped in for a taste.... He didn't get much for breakfast growing up either.  But he approved.  We will make these time topped with some bacon crumbles, too?
Flourless Crepes
four eggs
four oz. cream cheese
Place both ingredients and blender for about a minute.  Heat pan.  I can't imagine not using non-stick for this.  Watch for edges to look dry and flip once.  I did not use any salt or pepper. Pepper would be a nice addition but the savory toppings probably add enough salt. Enjoy!
Our other breakfast tradition for holidays is egg casserole.  I make it the night before (when I'm truly awake) to be popped in the oven in the morning by Bakery Boy when he is truly awake.... I'll share our gluten free version soon to be enjoyed for the upcoming holidays.
Never say never...
God Bless,
Veggie Girl

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Pickiness has Passed

Eric and I are foodies. This is really a interesting thing for me to say considering I married one of the pickiest eaters. We have been married 27 years.  The first half of those years I spent trying to convince Eric and our sons to try different foods.  Probably the most difficult thing about raising our five sons was their pickiness with food and them being hungry growing boys.  But I can honestly say that I am thankful I persevered with cooking and they all seem to enjoy healthy food now.

I wish I could be a junk food junkie and be healthy.  But we have some different healthy issues in our family... Sjogren's Syndrome, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, and some seem to be intolerant to milk.... so over the years we started searching for how to eat and be healthy.  Basically we follow Dr. Mercola, a paleo-type diet, Dr. Wahl out of Iowa City, we juice, we are firm believers in being meat eaters, and we are opposed to GMO's and try to avoid high fructose corn syrup...hard to always follow but we try every day.

We are busy people.  So we decided a few years back to go to our Farmer's Market for our produce and not plant our own garden.  Well, this year we decided to put in four tomato plants, three jalapeno plants, some kale, and my usual herbs.

We spent our summer traveling, gardening, and canning. I have always canned by myself.  But this summer Eric helped and even did some on his own.  Spring was slow to start so everything has been pushed back.  From those four tomato plants we have 30 quarts of tomatoes canned, plus tomato juice, and 24 cups of spaghetti sauce.  We froze probably 75 jalapenos and processed our fresh basil into ready to use herbal ice cubes.  Farmers Market gave us potatoes for hash browns, beets, onions, and some wonderful yellow tomatoes. I made strawberry margarita jam and blueberry basil white wine vinegar.  And at the beginning of September we decided to plant one hill of fall pickling cucumbers.  We have had success and have put up thirteen pints of bread and butter pickles.  I am hoping to make some dill pickles...if not I'll make some dill green tomatoes because my four silly plants are still producing in October. We still have plans to make my barbeque sauce as we used the last jar this summer. 

Things we know:
1) I love to cook
2) I hate doing dishes
3) We all feel better if we try to eat healthy
4) If I could, I would eat chips and cheese for dinner
5) My kids and husband all know my favorite meal for dinner is chips and cheese

But we are so thankful for the wonderful things we have stored up for this coming winter. I'll post pictures and recipes as I cook. So stay tuned!

My step by step for canning tomatoes..our tomato plants are still green and producing

Bread and Butter pickles...yum

My fifth batch of tomatoes picked and our herbs moved inside for winter...rosemary, basil, mint... loving our beach and palm to remind us of our great summer

Our Farmer's Market onions hanging neatly in panty hose for the winter...this really works

Today's huge pot of spaghetti sauce made from my fifth batch of tomatoes.
Eric and I bought this spoon on one of our travels this summer at the Amish store in Lamoni

I'm going to sleep feeling like Laura Ingalls Wilder... or Almanzo in Farmer Boy.  We are increasing our garden size next summer. 

So thankful the pickiness has passed. 

God Bless,
Veggie Girl

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I feel a blog coming on

That's what I said to myself as I stood patiently, with my customer number in hand, waiting to have my fabric cut.  The last few minutes had been bizarre and I could see the next few were heading in the same direction. 

I own my own custom sewing, alterations, and design business. I frequent fabric stores. I am very blessed to have a locally owned Ben Franklin here in my small town.  I try to always support them with my business first.  Occasionally, I make a dash to the "big city" fabric store which I shall not name.  However, if you've read any of my previous blogs on Pugh News you may know to which store I am referring.  Today was one of those dashing in days....I'm not sure why I thought I would dash in and out of this store but I had my hopes up and the clock was ticking.

Okay, I wear one contact.  I wear bifocal glasses.  But I'm one of the lucky ones who can wear one contact to see far away and none for up close...monovision.  Except it doesn't work so well when least for me.  I realized when I dashed in to the unnamed store that I was going to have a bit of trouble.  But off I went in search of a separating, black, sport coat zipper.  I asked a sweet lady to point me in the direction of the zippers and I was off and running.  Next up...taffeta.  Not so easy.  I headed to the direction of the dress fabrics and went row by row.  But by the time I neared the end of the first section I just wasn't sure. Lo and behold appeared a store employee.  So I asked simply, "Taffeta?" 

She said, "Not back here." I waited for some elaboration.  Nothing.  I work in customer service..not just in my business but I also work in a sports bar.  So I said, "Am I in the right section? Is it all this way(as I motioned)?"  She said, "Yes. But it's all mixed up."  Lovely. I went back and found what I needed and headed towards the fabric cutting station..... and pulled my paper number for my turn.  See, I've learned.  I've learned if you don't have that paper number you don't get help. 
And I waited..and waited..... there was one employee cutting fabric.  She finally called for backup.  And I look up and here comes my "not back here" lady.  She went to check the customer counter and proceeds to ask for customer 17 and looks at me.  Well, I'm not 17.  I'm holding 18 and I show her.  She says to the other employee and motions to the customer, "Was she 17?"  Nope.  She says to me, "You're not 17?"  Nope.  I say, "I'm 18."  And then she says, "Well, what can I help you with?"  (Can you see my look shining brightly through the computer?)  But I politely asked for one yard.
With my fabric in tow, I headed directly to the checkout and there I find myself in line with three customers in front of me one of which had her calculator checkbook combo thing out. I should be more conscientious with my money like the true Dave Ramsey fan I am but by this time I was getting annoyed. 
And I waited..and waited..... and the employee finally called for back up.  Guess who came running? Yep, "not back here" lady.  And she says to me,  "So how are you doing today?"

I just don't have any more words.

They did have a help wanted sign on the door when I entered.

Bakery Boy wasn't feeling so well today.... I will take him, my superhero, next time for back up.

God Bless,
Veggie Girl

Monday, September 16, 2013

There was a veggie girl....

... there was a bakery boy.  We met in January 1985 working food service. I was a new student employee.  He was a third year student employee.  I saw him pass by pushing a cart of desserts.  I thought at the time he was short, fat, and bald.  He was none of those things.  He had lost a bet with his roommates and had to shave his head.  He was bent over the cart which accounted for the inaccurate short part.  But the fat part I have no clue. It was a funny first impression.  And then he came over and put his arm around my shoulder.....errrrrtttttt................ correction...he put his arm around my waist  and said, "I try to meet all the new employees." That was his pick-up line. He always makes sure I state the arm placement correctly...because after all it made all the difference in whether I would date him or not, right?  In a very short time we were dating and three months later he asked me to marry him. 

We've been married 27 years and have five sons, two daughter-in-laws, and our first grandson on the way.  We are a military family.  We have survived job loss, financial distress, deployment, very sick children, and several moves. We supported each other as we finished college; he in forestry and myself in education. We've been fortunate to travel. I homeschooled the boys at one point or another until high school.  We love biking, gardening, music, food, and cocktails.  I am an artist and free-lance writer. He is a full-time soldier who is passionate about nature and trees. Most importantly we are faith-filled best friends who try to live with each day purpose passionately through our faith.

There are days we may not leave the house but our lives are still full of amazing adventures...... The Adventures of Veggie Girl and Bakery Boy.....

God Bless